Submit a Statement

On this screen you can find information relating to statements. We have provided the facility to lodge some of the more commonly used statements online. Please be advised that in order to accept your statement you must provide all of the requested information. If you do not provide all of the requested information your statement will not be accepted. All forms on this website comply with the Electronic Transactions Act 1999. Please call BTA if you wish to update your contact information relating to an infringement.

Internal Review
Use this form if you wish to request an internal review of your infringement.

Payment Plan/Extension Request
Use this form if you wish to request a payment plan or extension of time to pay.

Known User Statement
Use this form in the situation where you were not the driver or in control of the vehicle/trailer at the time of the offence and you are able to provide details of the person who was in control of the vehicle/trailer.

Unknown User Statement
Use this form in the situation where you were not the driver or in control of the vehicle/trailer at the time of the offence and you are NOT able to provide details of the person who was in control of the vehicle/trailer.

Illegal User Statement
Use this form in the situation where your vehicle/trailer was stolen at the time of the offence.

Sold Vehicle Statement
Use this form when you have sold the vehicle/trailer at the time of the offence. You need to include the details of the person that you sold the vehicle/trailer to.

Nomination Rejection Statement
Use this form if you have been named as the Known User by the registered owner of the vehicle but you were not the driver or in control of the vehicle/trailer at the time of the offence. You will need to state your reasons for this statement.

Feedback Form
Please do not use this Feedback form for the purpose of lodging any information directly relating to an infringement as we cannot guarantee immediate response.